The Distributed Autonomy Lab focuses on multiagent/multirobot coordination and user interfaces. Research projects study multiagent/multirobot autonomy, teaming with humans and user interfaces and their effect on trust. Major thrusts include Operator Multiagent Teaming for Safety applications (OMTS) and Pervasive Systems for Elder Care (PSEC).
Lab Director:
Dr Monica Anderson
Box 870290
Tuscaloosa AL 35405
(205) 348-1667
anderson at
Dr Anderson’s robotics lab is 1200 sq feet and is housed in a newly (2009) built science and engineering building. The lab is equipped with both student desk space and a dedicated test arena. A full array of bench equipment for testing and integration is available on a workbench with exhaust hood and safety stations.
An innovation center maintained by the College of Engineering includes 3D printers, CNC machines, circuit board fabrication, pick and place and a reflow oven for prototyping projects. The lab is equipped with computers for both desktop and research use. All computers are recently purchased (2015) and capable of development and testing. A departmental subscription to Dreamspark provides access to latest Microsoft development tools and platforms. In addition, an Apple Developers account provides access to iOS development tools. Licenses for Matlab are available for data analysis and VMWare provide virtualization services to facilitate cross platform development.
¥ Mobile Robots Pioneer P3-DX (3)
¥ Mobile Robots PeopleBots (2)
¥ Lynx Motion manipulator and assortment of servos
¥ Arduinos, Raspberry PIs, Linux laptops and tablets
¥ URG laser range finders
¥ Stargazer localization system
¥ Microsoft Kinect
¥ USB GPS units
¥ TCP/IP, USB Cameras
¥ Miscellaneous IR, Ultrasonic, and touch sensors
¥ Integrated open source tools (ROS, Gazebo, OpenCV, Gmapping, etc)
¥ Mathworks Matlab for data analysis
Facilities Image
Current and Prior Students: